Tuesday, March 13, 2012


seriously... you're stuck... -_- Anyway... Ohio has produced some great music over the years (umm, Bitch Magnet, anyone?), but I've been slow to explore the current music scene. It is a step up from West Virginia (but all that requires is a band without a fiddle or moonshine jug...) Here are a few Ohio treats I recently discovered... enjoy :)

The End of the Ocean. (Columbus, OH) Opened for O'Brother last month, and was a really nice surprise. Their latest full-length PACIFIC•ATANTIC is worth checking out. For fans of This Will Destroy You, A. Armada, and Beware of Safety. A lot of "post-rock" bands lately seem to be generic carbon copies, but there is something refreshing about The End of the Ocean. The song structures & keyboard presence create some memorable tunes. Visit their website, or stream their music here.
The End of the Ocean

Romance of Young Tigers (Dayton, OH). OK, so a little late on this one... RoYT called it quits in 2009, but put an EP and a full-length prior to parting ways. I got a free copy of I Have Supped Full on Horrors in one of my recent Magic Bullet Records mailorder deliveries. If you like Rachel's, Godspeed You! Black Emperor or Christina Vantzou, check out Romance of Young Tigers.
Romance of Young Tigers

If These Trees Could Talk (Akron, OH). Really don't know how I never ran across these guys before... Anyway, they have a new record coming out this month, and are playing a show with The End of the Ocean this Friday in Akron. The new album is already sold out on pre-order, and after listening to it, I can understand why. They will be repressing all their material soon, and I'm looking forward to picking up copies of all their releases. Stream their new full-length, Red Forest, here (and below). http://ifthesetreescouldtalk.com/
If These Trees Could Talk

Sunday, March 11, 2012


More 2011 goodness... Inevitably, I have to post these "year-end" and "best-of" lists without listening to EVERYTHING I could quite possibly be interested in listening to. I listened to a lot of new music last year, but I'm not a music critic by trade (just an asshole with an internet connection...). It's always nice to find gems that I missed. Here are a couple.


Sainthood Reps - Monoculture. Really great album. Obvious throwbacks to bands like The Jesus Lizard and Unsane make it instantly addictive. The band definitely takes on a style of their own though. These guys opened for O'Brother in Columbus, and were surprisingly the highlight of the night.

AVAILABILITY: CD . Vinyl . Digital

Monoculture at Audiotree Live:


The Nocturnes - Aokigahara. Quite different than A Year of Spring, but still very enjoyable (if you can enjoy being sad...) :) Emma continues to amaze me (Red Sparowes, The Nocturnes, and solo material) with her diverse stylings. Speaking of which, please check out her solo material. No 1 nearly made my top 25 list...

AVAILABILITY: Vinyl . Digital (free!)

The Cradle: